2013-03-11 | The digital revolution and the birth of Web 2.0 has fundamentally transformed the media landscape. As a consequence, the question of intellectual copyright is at the very center of the public debate and has also begun to draw the attention of scholars and researcher.
The conference “Who’s What? Intellectual Copyright in the Digital Era” will discuss different aspects of this transformation. One section is dedicated to “Property and the Archives”. Nicola Mazzanti (Cinémathèque royale de Belgique, ACE president) and Leontine Bout (EYE Film Institute Netherlands) will present the film archives perspective and speak about the impact of current copyright legislation on their daily work. A round table coordinated by the Association des Cinémathèques Europénnes will look into chances and limitations for using orphan films in view of the European Directive on orphan works.
UDINE conference is part of filmforum, an international festival devoted to cinema and the contemporary visual arts. It brings together scientific research, the dissemination of culture, and exhibition shows. FilmForum takes place in Udine and Gorizia and it offers conferences, meetings, workshops and screenings. It also hosts the Limina Award for Italian and international books on film. The festival addresses a wide-ranging audience which includes specialists, scholars and students in audiovisual and new media studies as well as fans of cinema and visual culture.
Read the full conference programme